Well, this has certainly been quite a learning experience for me. While I have blogged before -- since 2005 -- this blog is my first attempt at providing actual information people might use or learn from about new technology, new media and how it impacts the world of communication.
One of the most interesting things I have learned is about media convergence. How print media, broadcast media and social media have started to converge and blur the lines between what were very separate media segments only 3-5 years ago. And while the event was horrific, it was a stunning example of exactly what we were talking about when the Boston Marathon bombing happened and we all got to see how social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) was combined with traditional print media as well as broadcast media to first make people aware of the bombings, the impact and aftermath of the bombings, the identification of the bombing suspects and the eventual capture of the last remaining suspect -- all in a span of five days.
The other interesting topic I learned about was crowdsourcing. I think it was most interesting because it was something I was already doing on my Facebook page and just didn't know it had an actual name for it.
But, as the saying goes, all good things come to an end. Or, in this case, to a more relaxed schedule. I may not be posting on a weekly basis moving forward, but I do plan to keep this blog up and active. I have a feeling it may become a class requirement in future courses (especially if I have the same instructor), so rather than reinvent the wheel, so to speak, I will maintain this site and update it less frequently.
I would like to think all the readers who have stopped and checked out my blog and even if you didn't leave a comment, I appreciate your time and consideration.
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